Monday, 12 January 2009


In the past few weeks, I have been working mainly on practical site of the Major Project. I have been taking street photos on my travels across Slovakia. I was focusing on interesting sites, empty or used by people. I have traveled across rural and urban places using variety of transports (train, bus, hitchhike). That helped me to photograph places I otherwise would never see. Sometimes I ended up at places in the middle of nowhere and even there, I found interesting sites to photograph. When I am traveling, meeting new people, finding new places, photographying everything I find interesting, I feel completely free. There are no boundaries to what I can capture. It gives me a complete freedom over my creativity and experience of photography.Part of my most recent work involved a computer work - pairing up images into diptychs, size adjustments or other manipulation (croppings, removing dust...). I have finalized couple of diptychs which I could divide into three categories:

1. The Street Photography diptychs (made of images taken on ''the street'', usually paired up with the same style images, although sometimes paired up with a stu
dio shot)
2. Composite Series ( Half Heads put together creating one combined Identity, there is a strange relations
p between the two halves of different heads, which readers are to explore)

3. Other diptychs (Empty Spaces vs Used Spaces, Ironic Diptychs, Bizzare-Experimental Diptychs, diptychs made of two different mediums...)
In next couple of days/weeks , I will start wor
king on contextual essays, writing and contextualizing work I have done so far. I will also write on basic photography theory which is the core
 of my project. Besides writing essays, I will be taking pictures on my trips In Europe (Poland, Czech, Slovakia). I will also do more of the studio head shots for the composite series.


Zuzka / Unknown

Edna / Gaspar